I swear, after re-reading a few entries from the past year or so, it appears as though I only use this blog to update my "readers" about the goings-on of my life. That's boring. Besides, those of you that know me know what's going on anyway. Anyone else is someone I don't know and they've probably stopped reading anyway for lack of substance.
But, to get everyone up to speed... Uh hem...I finally found a great job the beginning of this month doing what I love. This time, it's not at a law firm, but an asset management company. You'd think being a paralegal I would be able to find something fairly quickly after I got laid off...not so. I was unemployed for a total of 5 months. Of course, if I wouldn't have had a job in the spring/summer, it would've been pretty rad. But, I had to be unemployed in the dead of friggin winter (and the coldest too). Also, I bought a new (like super new) car a few weeks ago and went to Vegas with my favorite man.
We are currently booking our calendar for spring/summer. Yay!