11:30 a.m. A woman on Arbor Acres Road, Springdale, reported her daughter and her daughter’s husband arguing.
Meddling mothers-in-law…
8:38 a.m. A woman on West Osage Bend reported her ex-husband threatened to beat her face in.
Beat her face in? Is that technical cop talk?
6:42 p.m. A woman on South Morningside Drive reported three men in a parking lot threatening to shoot her, her brother, his wife and a friend.
Damn girl, what'd you do??
8:56 p.m. A man at 3485 W. Wedington Drive reported a set of golf clubs taken.
It was Tommy Tommerson!
10: 18 a.m. A man on Martens Drive reported his 17-year-old daughter breaking into the residence through a back window.
She just needs her Trojans, Dad. Gaw, don't freak out.
11:08 a.m. A woman at Take 2 Video, 2111 S. Old Missouri Road, reported an identity theft.
Doesn't Take 2 Video have the Couples Corner? You know…the COUPLES CORNER. *wink*
3:42 p.m. A caller at Tyson Foods, Inc., 600 Berry St., reported a theft.
Ralph, you keep a sharp eye on the chicken liver thief. He's EVERYWHERE.
5:40 p.m. A caller at the Water & Sewer Department, 526 Oak Ave., reported a theft.
What'd they steal? Nevermind.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Impressionists
This weekend Holly, Monica and I went to the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth to view a collection of works from the era of the great Impressionists. Some masters of this movement that were on display included Renior, Monet, Van Gogh, Dagas, Seurat, Toulouse-Latrec, Gauguin and several others. This is one of the reasons I was looking forward to moving to this area. It has such an amazing setting for truly remarkable exhibitions.
There were two pieces that moved me in such a way that I became enraptured. The first was Two Sisters (1881) by Renior (below). This piece is so striking. Renior's use of color, light and emotion are superb. I have seen this piece in books and in reproductions and they scarcely do it justice. The flowers on the young sister's hat are so incredibly bright and intense that you're drawn to her immediately. While the face of the older sister pulls you to stare into her eyes. The brush strokes of this piece are truly captivating. Also, a little known fact about this piece is that these two young ladies were, in fact, not related.
There were two pieces that moved me in such a way that I became enraptured. The first was Two Sisters (1881) by Renior (below). This piece is so striking. Renior's use of color, light and emotion are superb. I have seen this piece in books and in reproductions and they scarcely do it justice. The flowers on the young sister's hat are so incredibly bright and intense that you're drawn to her immediately. While the face of the older sister pulls you to stare into her eyes. The brush strokes of this piece are truly captivating. Also, a little known fact about this piece is that these two young ladies were, in fact, not related.

I got a little choked up when I was Water Lily Pond (1900) by Monet (below). The emotion evoked from me by this painting is beggaring description. This work inspired me in a way that I cannot portray it in words. I do not wish to breakdown this piece by talking about light and color, it was just simply beautiful. Probably the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
In Remembrance

This day marks the fourth anniversary of the passing of my grandmother, my Meme. She lost the battle to pancreatic cancer and being there, holding her hand, when she passed was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I couldn't tell if she wanted to stay with her family, which were packed so tightly in her room in the ICU during those final moments, or if she was ready to break free from the pain and begin her journey to whatever is next. I know she'd missed my Papa dearly, who had passed 5 years earlier. She hadn't been the same Meme since Papa died, but she was still a tough as friggin nails. Never losing her grace under pressure; she was the glue that held our family together.
She taught me so many wonderful things throughout my childhood and early adulthood, and I attribute much of my attitude to her. She had an opinion about everything and was never too shy to say so. She always gave people the benefit of the doubt and helped any way she could. She called me her "professional student" because I had changed my major in college so many times, I could've held several degrees by then. I think she would be very proud of me now, seeing what I've gone through and accomplished, and come out of it a smarter, better, more determined woman. She taught me to be a lady, albeit a feisty lady. She had words of wisdom that resonate within me still and today I can hear her say, "Melissa, come here and sit next your Meme. Tell me what's going on with you."
She taught me so much, but some of the most important lessons I remember are: don't take shit from anybody; stand behind your family no matter how much you disagree with them; never put anything in your Crown but ice or water; never leave the house without your face on; stockings should be worn in lieu of panties (to avoid lines and smooth your curves, of course); blondes have more fun; medium rare is enough for a steak; respect your family; love your sister, one of these days, you'll be best friends (she was right, of course); you can never eat too many crab legs; the faster the boat, the better; keep your hands off the clean glass doors (oh man, I can still hear her bitching about that); and be your own person.
I cannot express into words how much I miss her. She was such an influential part of my life. I commemorated her life with mine, so in celebration of her marriage to my Papa, I got married on the same day…46 years later. My marriage did not last, but the memory of that honor to her and my Papa will always be a part of me. I do not regret it for a moment.
Thank you, Meme, for helping me become the woman I am today and showing me that you can still be a lady and kick some ass. You and Papa are dearly missed. I love you.
She taught me so many wonderful things throughout my childhood and early adulthood, and I attribute much of my attitude to her. She had an opinion about everything and was never too shy to say so. She always gave people the benefit of the doubt and helped any way she could. She called me her "professional student" because I had changed my major in college so many times, I could've held several degrees by then. I think she would be very proud of me now, seeing what I've gone through and accomplished, and come out of it a smarter, better, more determined woman. She taught me to be a lady, albeit a feisty lady. She had words of wisdom that resonate within me still and today I can hear her say, "Melissa, come here and sit next your Meme. Tell me what's going on with you."
She taught me so much, but some of the most important lessons I remember are: don't take shit from anybody; stand behind your family no matter how much you disagree with them; never put anything in your Crown but ice or water; never leave the house without your face on; stockings should be worn in lieu of panties (to avoid lines and smooth your curves, of course); blondes have more fun; medium rare is enough for a steak; respect your family; love your sister, one of these days, you'll be best friends (she was right, of course); you can never eat too many crab legs; the faster the boat, the better; keep your hands off the clean glass doors (oh man, I can still hear her bitching about that); and be your own person.
I cannot express into words how much I miss her. She was such an influential part of my life. I commemorated her life with mine, so in celebration of her marriage to my Papa, I got married on the same day…46 years later. My marriage did not last, but the memory of that honor to her and my Papa will always be a part of me. I do not regret it for a moment.
Thank you, Meme, for helping me become the woman I am today and showing me that you can still be a lady and kick some ass. You and Papa are dearly missed. I love you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Don't forget to take notes!
The ONLY Vice-Presidential nominee debate of the election is tonight at 8:00 C.S.T. on ABC!! WOO HOO!!
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