Sometimes, if you 86 the rose-colored glasses for long enough, you can step outside yourself and take in your life from the outside; perhaps as another would see it. When I was married, I would do this frequently. I knew my ex was a total phony and a completely selfish being. He didn't do anything for anyone unless there was something to gain, even if it was just praise. Even though I could see right through his nonsense, I was silent. This silence was deafening over time and I learned I can only take in so much bullshit before I come unhinged. It's toxic. If you swallow enough piles of it, it will make you sick. Hence, of course, why I am now unmarried.
Now, as I lower the rims, I see a new image coming into focus and, unlike before, I like what I see. Back then, when someone would ask me how I was doing, I would simply tell the white lie we all tell and answer with a polite, "fine, thank you." Now, when someone asks me how I'm doing, I can honestly answer, "great," with a sincere smile. It's a rare moment when one can say they truly have no complaints in life. Think about it. To be sure, I am not speaking of the occassional road rage, of which I am notoriously guilty, or the stressful day at work. I'm speaking of incandescent happiness and contentment within every element of your life. I can say emphatically that, yes, I have arrived. It's the land of the emotionally-mature, and it's a nice place to visit. Perhaps I'll stay a while. Or forever.
Take a step outside. Take off the glasses. Who colors your world so brightly just by being in it? Friend...lover...parent...child? Whomever it is, relish and appreciate them, because this is it.